by Rick Miralia
With the sun trying to melt the icy grip of winter, many gardeners are anxiously awaiting the prospect of getting into the yard – without a snow shovel! On the retail side of things, seed racks are popping up all over, as well as new pottery, tools and fun gardening products of all kinds. But one thing not specifically offered on a retail basis is the actual planning of the garden.
Over the past few years, the price of produce has been climbing in direct proportion to the decline of pollinators. Mason bees (pictured right) and honey bees are two of the most effective insects at pollinating plants, basically by visiting plant after plant, picking up and then depositing the pollen they’ve collected in the process. But they need to be attracted to the plants first; this is where your planning comes into play.
Some of the most popular pollinator plants are as follows: butterfly weed, bee balm, penstemon, red hot poker, salvia, lavender, coneflower and yarrow. These perennials are joined by some annuals such as lantana, sunflower and sweet alyssum, as well as these herbs: fennel, borage and oregano. Another plant high on the list is the butterfly bush. These plants are readily available during the regular growing season but seeds for many are already available. Start your planning, and planting now! Get a head start on the promise of spring and give the birds and bees a helping hand in the process!
(Stay tuned for more on Pollinators as we move towards Spring!)