Throughout the ages, people been in search of a good place to sit. Fallen logs, dry patches of ground, the edge of a stream have been some of the favorites… but nothing can top a comfortably shaped boulder.
What makes a boulder the perfect spot to rest?
- They’re pretty much always clean. Rain washes them on a regular basis (recent weather excluded). Unlike metal, fabric, or wooden chairs, dirt just doesn’t seem to cling to boulders.
- They dry almost immediately after rain. Most other lawn furniture requires some drying out time and careful patting to make sure it’s dry after rain. If a boulder looks dry, it is dry. (Boulders are very honest that way).
- Spiders don’t seem to like boulders. I don’t know why this is true, but it is. I’ve spent most of my life preferring to perch on a boulder over any other lawn furniture, and I can’t remember ever having to brush off spiders or their webs.
- They’re pretty. I love rocks. I really do. I don’t know if there is some sort of genetic marker that made me predisposed to rock-love, but rocks are awesome in my book. They make any setting look a little more natural and a little more timeless.
Ideas for using Boulders for outdoor seating:
- Arrange a few boulders around the firepit instead of hauling camp chairs back and forth.
- Place a couple boulders near the entry ways where people tend to gather to chat.
- Having a couple boulders near your garden provides a place to for you to rest, or even for one person to relax while keeping the hardworking gardener company.
- Put a couple boulders under a shade tree for kids to enjoy the outdoors without baking in the sun.