It’s Bluebird Season!
Who doesn’t love bluebirds? Only someone who hasn’t yet seen one. They’re beautiful, friendly (actually seem to enjoy our human company!) family-oriented,
DetailsWho doesn’t love bluebirds? Only someone who hasn’t yet seen one. They’re beautiful, friendly (actually seem to enjoy our human company!) family-oriented,
DetailsThink of a big field of lush green plants, over which a magic wand is passed, then suddenly bursts in colorful blooms! The magic of the bees.
DetailsThe more bees visiting your pretty flowers, the more pollinating is being done.
DetailsOver the past few years, the price of produce has been climbing in direct proportion to the decline of pollinators.
Detailsby The Earth (as told to Amy)
1. Create a cavity deep within an existing rock. You can do this 2 different ways: either by trapping a pocket of gas (or water) in cooling lava, or – if you’re so inclined- bury something inside a rock that will decay (wood, coral or dissolvable minerals) and leave you with the cavity you require. Think of it as a mini-cave, and a cave as sometimes a giant geode.
DetailsWe’ve got Bluebirds!! Frankly, we’re completely surprised. Against all the well-researched advice for bluebird boxes, they’ve set up residence
DetailsIf you haven’t heard them yet, they’ll be here soon! Red-winged Blackbirds prefer marshes, wetlands, retention ponds, anywhere there’s standing water
DetailsSandstone, barn stone, sandstone curbing for your landscaping project. Add old world charm to your outdoor setting.
DetailsThis has been a long, hard winter for everyone, but especially on those of us with gravel driveways. Shoveling and plowing, snowing and thawing are just a few of the not-gravel-driveway-friendly activities that have happened in abundance this year.
DetailsBecause birds are so attuned to color, you can use it in your yard creatively to attract birds, particularly in late fall and winter when a monochrome landscape makes it more noticeable.
DetailsBreeding season is the one time of year that birds cannot escape danger by flying away. For as long as the egg-hatching and fledgling takes, they’re all stuck at the nest.
DetailsSome of our customers have reported seeing Eastern Bluebirds in their yards recently! They (the birds, not the customers) normally are south at this time of year and return in early spring.…