Snowy Owls
A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise…
DetailsA wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise…
DetailsYou may have noticed that we’re having some weather! In order to make winter a little easier on your outdoor friends, make sure the food you put out stays fresh…
DetailsThese unique rusty metal bird silhouettes will add interest to any garden landscape. Mount to wooden stakes, posts, deck rails, fences, tree branches, blocks of wood, even on top of…
DetailsFATWOOD 100% all-natural firestarter for fireplaces, barbeques, chimeneas, stoves, and firepits! Why? Because even well-seasoned firewood sometimes needs a little help getting going. What is it? All Natural! In short,…
DetailsIn cold weather songbirds eat constantly during daylight hours to sustain their energy. At night they expend a lot of that energy fluffing their feathers and shivering to keep warm until sunlight returns.
DetailsMany people have been stopping in to The Rock Pile lately and lamenting the annual loss of goldfinches from their feeders and yards.
DetailsFill feeder with seed. Watch seed level drop. Repeat. That’s about the gist of it for birdfeeding in warmer months, but a little extra is needed as we ease…
DetailsExperts say that hummingbirds will starve rather than consume spoiled feeder syrup, so a dirty feeder isn’t likely to cause harm. But it may cost you the pleasure of their…
DetailsIt’s not easy being a new parent, and don’t you wish those precious bundles came with instructions? Well, they do. I’m talking about hanging baskets, of course. I can’t help…
Detailsby Jamie Haas It’s that time of year when the grackles are introducing themselves to our feeders. They really are pretty birds with their iridescent purple hues and white eye…
DetailsThe Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, is the most abundant and important landscape pest in Ohio. The adults can be controlled by spraying susceptible plants with insecticides. There are several over-the-counter pesticides available at The Rock Pile.
DetailsThere are several Deer Repellents on the market that are effective in deterring deer and we’ll be highlighting a few of them here over the next few days. To start out, let’s look at Milorganite.
DetailsWe all know birds need to eat and drink to survive. But quite often we forget about their shelter. Not all birds create their own homes. Some birds like woodpeckers and chickadees excavate cavities in tree trunks for nesting and roosting.