March Feed of the Month: Buffet
Bird Feed of the Month for March: Buffet
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Bird Feed of the Month for March: Buffet
Save 20% on all sizes.
Fall migration is here and that means MORE BIRDS will be flying through the backyards of America. Here are a few things to remember:
Just because the days are shorter and the warblers and hummingbirds are gone from our midst doesn’t mean we should put our binoculars, field guides, and bird watching plans in storage for the winter. There are many winter activities we can enjoy as backyard bird watchers.
Every bird lover knows that if you want to attract Goldfinches, feed them Nyjer Thistle! But few know the details about this finch treat.
Water is one of the most important things birders can add to their backyard to attract birds. All birds need water, and adding one or more water features to your yard will quickly attract feathered friends.
Feeding Orioles is a little different than most other backyard birds. At The Rock Pile, we carry specialized oriole feeder designs that accommodate only the foods orioles prefer.
Who doesn’t love bluebirds? Only someone who hasn’t yet seen one. They’re beautiful, friendly (actually seem to enjoy our human company!) family-oriented,
We’ve got Bluebirds!! Frankly, we’re completely surprised. Against all the well-researched advice for bluebird boxes, they’ve set up residence
If you haven’t heard them yet, they’ll be here soon! Red-winged Blackbirds prefer marshes, wetlands, retention ponds, anywhere there’s standing water
Because birds are so attuned to color, you can use it in your yard creatively to attract birds, particularly in late fall and winter when a monochrome landscape makes it more noticeable.
Breeding season is the one time of year that birds cannot escape danger by flying away. For as long as the egg-hatching and fledgling takes, they’re all stuck at the nest.
Some of our customers have reported seeing Eastern Bluebirds in their yards recently! They (the birds, not the customers) normally are south at this time of year and return in early spring.…
A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise…